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Teddy Bears' Picnic 2024

If you went down to Fox Valley Community Centre earlier this week, you were sure of a big surprise...  

For San Babies, their families and their Teddy Bears were gathered there for certain because... 

It was the day of the Teddy Bear’s Picnic! 

But it was more like a family reunion with midwives, doctors, parents, grandparents and babies catching up. 

Popular kids entertainers The Beanies performed live on stage to a delighted crowd, while elsewhere there was face painting, games and play equipment.  

There were plenty of stalls both giving away and selling a variety of yummy treats, products and gifts.  
“It’s a really special occasion, and we’re always quite overwhelmed at how much people love the opportunity to come back,” said Brett Goods, AHCL CEO.  

“The San has been delivering babies for over 100 years. In recent years the hospital has delivered more than 2000 babies annually, and for many of our maternity staff this event is a highlight of their year,” he said.  

The picnic wound down by midday, with tired little bears and their parents leaving with smiles on their faces. 







